Page Object is a popular design pattern used to represent services provided by a page (reads the rendered page you see on your screen)
especially when writing test against a web page. This pattern is mainly popularised by the Selenium Browser Automation tool.
In this guide, we create a Page Object for the the Google home and search results
When you’re finished, you’ll be able to create effective page objects for any UI interface you encounter.
Before you begin this guide you’ll need the following:
- An IDE (I use IntelliJ Community Edition)
- Maven
- A Selenium project that compiles (selenium version 4 and above)
- TestNG
- This example uses the Java binding.
- This guide will not cover locator strategies. It is well covered in the selenium website documentation
Let’s do it 💪
What are we testing?
We want to verify that the results page displays more than five links.
User journey
We need to figure out the user journey that makes up the test.
- Goto
- Type
in the searchbox - click the first suggestion from auto-suggest dropdown
- Assert that more than 5 results sets are displayed on the search page.
Writing test first helps you get a clear picture of what Page Objects to build, and what apis the page object should expose.
Now we need to:
Identify the elements we need from the HomePage
From the picture above, there are multiple elements on the page, but we only need two of them
- Searchbox
- Auto-Suggest dropdown
- Don’t make your page object a kitchen sink by selecting every possible object you see on the page. Select only elements relevant for the user journey, anything more becomes YAGNI
Now let’s move to how we locate elements using the web console:
Locate desired elements on the page
There are several ways to locate the element we desire, e.g. by looking at the codebase, using selector tools etc. Our focus for this guide is to use the browser debug console.
Let’s go:
- Use Shortcut
CMD + ALT + i
to open the web console
![test.gif open web console](test.gif)
We locate our first element - The Searchbox
- Select the element picker
![element-picker.png element picker](element-picker.png)
- Point the element picker at the
, then click.
![find-element.png find element](find-element.png)
- Use the console to confirm if you got the right element node. if it works on the browser it will most likely work in Selenium.
![console.png google home page](console.png)
Note down the selector name=q
, because we need it to create our Page Object.
Next, we locate the second element - The Auto-suggest
- Type any text on the searchbox and
box should appear - Click on the element picker
- Point the element picker at the
box, then click.
![auto-suggest.png auto suggest](auto-suggest.png)
Note down the selector #searchform ul>li
, because we need it to create our Page Object.
Next, we locate the third element - The The results element in the search result page
- Type any text on the searchbox and
box should appear - Click on the first suggestion, which should transition to
results page
- Click on the element picker
- Point the element picker at the
result set
box, then click.
Note down the selector class=g
, because we need it to create our Page Object.
![results.png search results](results.png)
- The following tutorials are great for beginner guide to DOM
Now that we have all the elements we need, Let’s build the Page Object
What have we done so far?
- We defined what we are testing
- Map out the user journey
- Found element locator values using the web console
- Confirmed we have the correct element using the console
- Created the page object with the correcet locators.
See all classes here for easy reference.
- Don’t copy and paste.
- Type the below code by hand.
- Read this brilliant article to understand why.
In this article you set up your first Page Object. Now you can run the test and put your result in the comments section.
Things to Note
Read next post in the series
- Apply design techniques to optimise the Page Object design.
Before then, feel free to write another test and use completely different elements for the user journey.
I am happy to answer questions you may have, reach me on any of my handles.